World Teachers’ Day

World Teacher’s Day took place on October 29. Region 4 hosted a big celebration at the Regional Education Director’s Office.  Political dignitaries (their wives), education officials (their wives), and everyone who’s anyone in our region were invited.  Who wasn’t invited?  The majority of the teachers at my school.  I tried to cheer up my slighted teachers with logic: why spend a day listening to boring speeches and schmoozing with people you complain about every other day of the year when you could be changing the world, one student at a time, in your classroom?  But I couldn’t deny the blatant irony in the fact that the teachers at my school were missing out on a day that is supposed to be all about them.

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So, intent on making their day special, I channeled my inner elementary teacher/camp counselor and figured out something small to do for my teachers.  I colored a poster, blew up some balloons, and bought fancy cookies and punch.  Instant celebration!  I went around to each of the classes and interrupted the real teaching and learning that was undoubtedly taking place (ahem) and taught the children a song to sing to their teachers.  After some rousing renditions of “Thank you Teacher,” the students posed with their teachers for photos that I hope to print.  It was silly, but we had a little fun which is often lacking in classrooms at our school.  The teachers still complained, but they also licked the wrappers of their chocolate cookies clean.

We're enjoying (just a little).

We’re enjoying (just a little).

2 thoughts on “World Teachers’ Day

  1. Rhonda De Bie

    Good idea, Jacy. I wish you were here to inspire ME, ha ha! Sounds like typical politics in a school district just like here! (no respect!) Love you and have fun with your family over Christmas!


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