Super Care Package Shout-out


I would like  to publicly thank my Grandparents and Aunt Rhonda for the amazing care package I received last week.  It came to me on one of those really good days that I have from time to time.  The Country Director of Peace Corps came to visit my site and school.  Then, two of my trainers came to visit a day earlier than planned.  Their visit was even more of a surprise because of the excellent care package they brought!

My aunt, a teacher, sent me school supplies which I will use as incentives for my teachers.  She included some scented pencils from a school fundraiser that are wild!  I might have to keep one of those for myself.  They sent a 2014 calendar…perfect timing!  I’ve been using my 2013 calendar to record one new, interesting, or exciting thing that happens each day.  It is nice to look back on a month at all of the new experiences and little accomplishments. There were goodies, too!  I’ve been putting dried berries in my oatmeal every morning, treating myself to the occasional melty Lindor truffle, and I happily shared my Banket (Dutch Almond Roll) with 20 Peace Corps Volunteers last weekend. (They all say thanks!)  There was also a beautiful book with big pictures and simple text that will make a great read-aloud.  I’m excited to see what my teachers do with it! There was also a wrapped gift that I am saving for Christmas…or Christmas Eve as the tradition with Grandma and Grandpa DeBie’s gifts goes.

Thank you California Family.  I have felt your love and support for my entire service so far.  I love you and miss you. 


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