Grade 6 Exchange

May 28, 2014

Dear Mr. Sowe‘s Class,

We were happy to hear from you!  This will probably be our last letter to you as we are graduating on June 5.  Tomorrow we are going to an amusement park.  On Friday we play against the teachers in a softball game and then have a hot dog barbeque!

What kind of hair styles do you wear?  The girls here mostly have long hair that they wear in a ponytail. The boys have very short hair.  How do yuo brush your teeth?  Do you have tooth brushes?  How do you shower?  We are curious about so many things!

Our school address is:
Newman Elementary
4150 Walnut Avenue
Chino, CA 91710

Thanks again for being our pen-pals.  It was fun to learn about your culture!

Miss DeBie’s class


25 May 2014

Hello Miss De Bie’s Class,

How are you and the school in California?  It has been a long time that we haven’t heard from each other. But we are very happy about your class pictures and we really like the whole class for the wonderful things you do.  We are very happy!

We also came up with an idea of making a friendly visit between the
two schools to maintain humanity between the two classes.

We play games in school like football (in the US you call in soccer, too) and running.  We like to make dramas and stories.  Your students were jealous about our coming to school at 1:00 but it is only because there are not enough classrooms in the school for everyone
to come in the morning.

Our school is located in a region called Kabada.  Here is our school address:
Misera Basic Cycle School
Jarra West District
Lower River Region
The Gambia, West Africa

Our class agreed that we would also like to know your school address.

Thanks!  We look forward to hearing from you soon.

Mr. Sowe’s Grade 6 Class


February 21, 2014

Dear Mr. Sowe’s Class,

My students were jealous that you don’t have to go to school until 1:00!

We play a form of dodgeball and kickball for tournaments at recess.  It is kind of like your inter-house because we play against other classes.  We have 4 6th grade classes.

We loved the picture of your class!  We don’t have a uniform, but we wear a Newman Elementary blue t-shirt on Mondays!

Our motto is “No Excuses”.

We had to look up sorrel in an encyclopedia because we didn’t know what it was!

What is the temperature there?  It is 80 degrees Fahrenheit here.

What do you do for entertainment?  We watch movies, read, and play music or sports.

What kind of clothes do you wear besides your school uniforms?  We wear long pants, shorts, short-sleeve shirts, socks and running shoes.

We look forward to hearing from you again soon!
Miss DeBie’s class


February 13, 2014

Dear Ms. DeBie’s Class,

Thank you for your letter!  We have many more questions.

But first, we will answer some of yours.

What is cous?  Coos is a cereal crop which we use as our daily food.  It can also be called millet.  In our local language, Pulaar, it is called lechiri.

We celebrate Muslim holidays like Tobaski, Koriteh, and the Birthday of the Prophet Muhammed.

We have paper in our school but not enough.

We go to school in the afternoon from 1:05pm to 6:00pm. We have break (20 minutes) for praying at 2:00pm in the afternoon and 20 minutes for praying at 5:00pm in the evening.

We play football (soccer), round the field, high jump, and long jump. Some of my students enjoy drama and making plays to perform for the class.

What is inter-house? The students and teachers are divided into four “houses.”  The houses have a various competitions, for example:

  • 100 meters running for boys and girls
  • 200 meters running for boys and girls
  • dancing competition
  • round the field 12 times for boys
  • round the field 8 times for girls

In class, we like to read, spell, and do dictation.

We have 40 students, 6 boys and 34 girls.  The students are very disciplined and do their work as the instruction is given on the blackboard.  The class is arranged in groups and we have 6 groups in the class. So each group has one boy and the rest are girls.  They sit with partners to help each other when there are difficulties.

My students are always quiet and listen carefully during school hours or in the class.  They always ask questions by raising a card, showing that you want to say something.  I always allow students to go in front of the class and exchange ideas with the rest of the class.  My students always work in groups.  When they do the work, I mark their books and give them feedback with corrections.

All of the students have a bed in the garden where we grow different vegetable.  Some of the vegetables we grow are sorrel, carrots, and cabbage.

I always keep the students busy and when I am teaching, my voice is always loud and clear to them.

Did you see the picture of our class?  What is your uniform?  What is the motto of your school?

Hope to hear from you again soon!!


January 23, 2014
Thank you for your letter!
We have some more questions.
What is cous?  What kind of vegetables do you eat?
What holidays do you celebrate?  We just celebrated Christmas and New Years Day on January 1.  We will celebrate Valentines Day on February 14.
Do you have paper in school?
Do you have recess?  We have a 13-minute recess in the morning and a 40-minute break for lunch and recess.
What activities do you do for fun?  We play basketball, baseball, soccer, and hockey.  Some of us are learning to play a musical instrument in band or are singing in the choir.  We like to read, play outside, and play video games.
We have 27 students in our class.  My challenges are: discipline at times, and getting certain students to work or get organized!  My class is arranged with 2 desks next to each other so each student has a partner.  They often discuss answers to questions together, and then I call on someone.  They have to raise their hand to ask a question.  They have to stay in their seat during instruction.  I have all of their names on index cards, and I randomly pick a name so they never know when they will be called on to answer a question.  This keeps them listening!  They also write on individual white boards sometimes so that keeps their attention too.  They often repeat things out loud or use hand movements to remember things.
I have no Muslims in my class.  It is not a very big religion is this area.  I have a lot of Christians though!
What is inter-house competition?
Hope to hear from you again soon!
Miss DeBie’s class


January 19, 2014

Dear Miss DeBie’s Class,

We were very happy when we received the letter from you and your class.  How are you?  I hope everything is fine.

Answers to your questions:

1.       What we do without electricity: We use candles or torchlight (flashlights)

2.       Our subjects: Mathematics, English, Science, Social and Environmental Studies (SES), Verbal, Quantitative, and Islamic Studies

3.       No computer lab in our school

4.       We eat coos, rice, and vegetables

5.       No lions and hyenas.  We have goats, sheep, and cows

6.       We do not have electric pencil sharpeners.  We use razor blades.

Miss De Bie, we have many questions for you and the pupils of Grade 6 as far as education is concerned.

1.       How many pupils are in your class?

2.       Do you have any challenges in Grade 6?

3.       How do you arrange your class and manage your class?

4.       How can you capture pupils’ attention during a lesson?

5.       Do you have Muslims in your class?

6.       Do you have inter-kunda (inter-house) competition in your school?

Thanks.  We need a reply, ok?

Mr. Sowe’s Grade 6 Class


December 10, 2013

Dear Jacy,
We are excited to be writing you and learning about The Gambia!   We have lots of questions for you and the 6th graders!
What do yu do with no electricity in school?
What subjects do you have in school?  We have Reading, Spelling, Writing, Math, Social Studies, and Science.
How do you learn to type?  Do you learn in school?  We have a computer lab.
What do you eat?  We eat beef and chicken and fish.  California grows a lot of fruits and vegetables too.
Do you have hyenas and lions there?
How do you sharpen your pencils?  We have electric sharpeners!
We can’t wait to hear from you again, and we will ask you more questions!
Miss De Bie’s Class
December 8, 2013
Dear Ms. DeBie’s Class,
                Hello!  My name is Jacy Bowman.  I am a Peace Corps Volunteer and your teacher is my aunt.  Ms. DeBie and I decided to take part in a program called World Wise Schools in which I will write to you and tell you about my experiences in the Peace Corps and you (as a class) can write back and ask me any questions you want.
                First, I will tell you a little bit about myself.  My name is Jacy and I am from Michigan – The Great Lakes State.  I went to school in Michigan from kindergarten through college.  After I graduated, I was a middle school teacher, teaching science.  I taught for a half-year before I joined the Peace Corps.
                So what is the Peace Corps?  Peace Corps is an organization that was created by President John F. Kennedy (in Michigan!) in 1961.  Prescient JFK wanted young people in the United States to go to other countries to help people, to teach about American culture, and most importantly, to learn about other cultures.  I decided I want to join the Peace Corps in sixth grade and I worked towards that goal until 2012 when I applied and was accepted.
                I was so happy when I got a letter saying, “Congratulations!  You’ve been accepted into the Peace Corps!”  But when they told me I was posted to The Gambia, I had no idea where that was!  So, I looked on a map and found that The Gambia is a tiny country (way smaller than California!) in West Africa.
                Since I arrived in The Gambia in June of this year, I have been learning so much about the people and culture.  I want to share what I am learning with your class, so I will try to write you a letter and send some pictures.  In return, I want you to think of as many questions and you can.  Save your questions so that each time your class writes a letter, you can ask a few more questions.  I will try to answer them the best that I can.
                I look forward to receiving your letter!
                Your friend,
                Jacy Bowman